Sunday, January 29, 2006

Lying Weasels

I know I said my next post was slated for Monday, but, I could not help myself after hearing a "load of bull" from the lying mouth of press secretary Scott McClellan.

The issue: Sen. John Kerry calling for a Senatorial filibuster regarding the Samuel Alito Supreme Court nomination.

Background: Where was Senator Kerry when he made his statement to the press? According to the Los Angeles Times, Kerry was at the World Economic Forum, along with many Republican Senators, at Davos, Switzerland.

So what did that lying Bush weasel McClellan flack say to the press about Senator's Kerry's statement?
This was the first time ever that a senator has called for a filibuster from the slopes of Davos, Switzerland. I think even for a senator, it takes some pretty serious yodeling to call for a filibuster from a five-star ski resort in the Swiss Alps.
When I first heard the story on CNN the reporters never bothered to inform the viewers why Senator Kerry was in Switzerland. After all CNN should air the story with some kind of coherent context.

I just don't know how the media, by and large, believes anything that comes out of Bush spin machine operatives like McClellan. Yet, the press buys off the mendacity fed by the Bushies time and time again. Journalists, print and broadcast, should do a little fact finding before they report anything said by the White House lackeys found in the Bush Administration.

Conclusion: Not only is CNN's coverage poor journalism, but, again, I ask, as I always do: What liberal freakin' media? Amazing!

Note: Comparing Bush's rascals to the energetic weasel is truly unfair to the "weasel" Musteliade family.


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