Special Election Day in California, USA
In general I read the Los Angeles Times to keep me informed about what is happening in this state and elsewhere in the world. The work of Patt Morrison, Jean Pasco, Jean Merl, Steve Lopez, Robin Abcarian, among others, is top notch.
The following is a take from Patt Morrison and Steve Lopez on Tuesday’s, Special Election:
Patt Morrison: Can we please stop calling it a special election? It’s not. It’s marriage counseling. Almost every measure on Tuesday’s ballot represents a breakdown, a failure of California institutions to work things out with their significant others: governor and legislature, public unions and governor, business and legislature. So they come to us voters for help, these troubled couples.
Steve Lopez: We all knew California politics could get wacky, but I think it’s fair to say we’re outdoing ourselves this time…. You’ve heard of democracy run amok? This would be direct democracy run amok, and if Schwarzenegger prevails, I believe California would officially become a banana republic…I can’t think of a better reason to stop everything you’re doing [on] Tuesday, get off your duff, and run---don’t walk---to the polls, where your mission is clear as never before: Vote early and often.
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