Election Evening: Party at the Biltmore Hotel

I spent last Tuesday, election evening, with my Democratic friends celebrating our incredible victory in California's Special Election. The Democratic Party is on the move. I just wished the Congressional elections were held that day as well, because I'm confident that we Dems could have taken back the Senate, if not the House of Representatives. The mood across the country is vastly different today than it was a year ago, and the Republicans have only themselves to blame: on the national and the state level.
The photo above (right to left) is of future District #41 Assemblymember Kelly Hayes-Raitt (Santa Monica, and way beyond), Assemblymember Cindy Montañez (D-39-San Fernando), and Senator Gil Cedillo (D-22-Los Angeles).
The second photo, below the first, is a snap that reflects the energy that was present at the Biltmore Hotel in Downtown Los Angeles. Democratic activists certainly worked hard in the Special Election, but in the end: we did it! Sí se puede Californians.
To visit Ms. Kelly Hayes-Raitt campaign web site, please click here. Please donate to her campaign. Even a small amount is chevere!
Images © by Lou Delgado, SpotLight Public Relations & Photography.
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